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Non-Fungies Curators

Collaborating with artists to launch their collections, gain first-level access to our curated NFT drops with perks

Curating NFT collections with a meaning behind them

Non-Fungies Curators are a group of people collaborating with artists to launch NFT collections with meanings & value.
We look to empower the artists and let their creativity illuminate in their artwork, reflecting meanings deep within our community and the world we live in.

Why participate in Non-Fungies Curators NFT drops?

Early access to the future NFT drops
Support up and coming artists
Vote and curate future collections
Access events, workshops and exclusive community

How it works

Artists submit their name, experience, portfolio, and idea on a form

We review the forms and pick the artists for collaboration

Artist designs the collection with guidance and help of our team

We create a dedicated page for the artist and turn his artwork and concept into NFTs (images, video, GIFs, audio, and more)

Learn about the first two collections:

NFT 30 Pioneers Collection

We identified countries with the most active NFT users by comparing their population to their engagement on the largest NFT marketplaces

NFT “Greed is good” Collection

The “Greed is good” collection showcasing the nasty characteristics of the community, we selected the most active countries in the crypto space which are sometimes also stereotypical of the country of origin. The aim of this collection is to make people reflect on the reasons why they participate in the web3 community and hopefully will inspire change towards more positive behaviours.

Are you an artist?

Register your interest in launching your own collection



    Non-Fungies Curators is the spin-off of what. AG, a Zurich based technology and marketing consultancy, which offers artists an affordable and easy way to launch their NFT their art collections.

    We look to empower the artists and let their creativity illuminate in their artwork, reflecting meanings deep within our community and the world we live in.

    A group of crypto, NFT and art enthusiasts working at what. AG in Zurich, Switzerland.

    Buy our NFT collections to receive many future benefits, to include:

    • Early access to the future NFT drops
    • Shared rewards of the future NFT sales
    • Support up and coming artists
    • Access events, workshops, and exclusive community
    • Vote and curate future collections

    Go to the individual collection sites, where you will be guided to the mint page.